Tag Archive | ACD!Watson

Through The Looking Glass series by ObsidianEmbrace

Genius! Summary: When you chase criminals over rooftops, death is always a possibility. We woke up in 1889 instead. Which is not a place where two men in a relationship want to be. AO3 Approx. 106,000 words

Old Wounds by pandapony

Normally I rec BBC Sherlock as opposed to ACD fics, but I saw this given as an RTYI on the kink meme and I felt it was worth mentioning. Summary: Holmes learns about Dr Watson’s past in the case of The Crooked Man KinkMeme prompt Excessant.com Adult Fanfiction

Echoes Through Time by chellefic

Like the idea of this one a lot, even if it does require belief suspenders. I can forgive that in a good fic like this one. Summary: Mummy sends a trunk from the Holmes cottage in Sussex to 221B. Its contents alter the way John and Sherlock see themselves and one another. AO3 Approx. 22,000 […]